Knowledge of the detailed histories of laws and policies and of their broader contexts is indispensable for understanding many Native American, natural resources, and environmental issues. Since 1981, Morgan, Angel, Brigham & Associates has established a reputation for providing detailed histories of the origins and administration of different laws and public policies in these and other areas.
As historians, we go several steps beyond the usual in preparing legislative and policy histories. Experienced in using a wide range of information sources, our researchers and historians can develop detailed reports on even the most complex legislative and policy histories, and summarize them for audiences in ways that are clear and easy to understand. Even in compiling relatively straight-forward legislative histories, our experience has taught us that important information is often only found in unpublished legislative and agency records stored at the National Archives or in the personal papers of those who drafted, considered, or passed the legislation.
By thoroughly reviewing not only the most commonly-referenced sources, but also the broad and deep sources of information that can be found in less well-known repositories in Washington, DC and across the country, we provide a level of context and insight that we believe is unobtainable by any other means.